vrijdag 2 september 2011

There's snow on my screen

This weekend I have to play three shows and tonight we played the first one. I'm so tired, but it was so much fun! I can't wait till I'm on that stage again tomorrow. Today I picked the photo's of Lowlands and unfortunately the most pictures failed. When I saw such a failed photo when I was younger, I always screamed "It is snowing!"

Some of the best pictures

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Nice pics!

    X. http://livingafashionablelife.blogspot.com

  2. gave foto's, echt mooi 'wegwerpcamera effect' zit er op :)

  3. Dat effect is echt supermooi!
    Ziet eruit alsof de foto's al een stuk ouder zijn.

    Mooi ^^!

  4. wat nou.. alle foto's zijn mislukt?? huh?huh?huh?huh?huh? MOOOOOOOOOOOOI
