maandag 7 maart 2011

Spoiled? No! Okay, a little maybe.

So I am tired, yes tired. Really tired! I have been partying this weekend untill my legs hurted and my head was tired. This weekend was: "carnaval". Saturday night I had a really, really short night and I am still tired. But the good thing is, I had an amazing night, and I am really lookingforward to next year!

But now something else, my dad bought me a new laptop. And I am so happy with it!I felt like a young child during christmas! I have to get used to the new keyboard, but that will happen with the time I hope.

So tonight I will go to bed early and discover a lot on my new white laptop!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. mooi dat je het leuk hebt gehad met carnaval, jammer dat je zo moe bent!

    en wat lief van je vader zeg! ♥
